X-ray inspection is essential for power semiconductors and power modules in production quality control and analysis. The semiconductor chips (dies) made of Silicon Carbide (SiC) or Gallium Nitride (GaN) and substrate are bonded by using Sintering, Die bonding, and Die-attach methods.
In the bonding process, void (cavity) defects in the bonding surface will deteriorate heat dissipation and affect product performance and service life. The X-ray system provides high-quality images, making it easy to quickly find defects of hidden shrinkage cavities, voids, cracks, etc. As thin power modules are required in the mounting process, Direct Bonding Copper (DBC), Direct Brazed Aluminum (DBA), or Active Metal Brazed/ Active Metal Bond (AMB) substrates are used.

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Information on related articles in Technical Knowledge
- Back-End Semiconductor Manufacturing Process
- The Right Way to Choose appropriate X-ray Inspection System
- Principles of Radiography
- How to use X-ray Inspection System safely
- What is Microfocus X-ray? (Basic Knowledge)
- Computed Tomography (CT) Basic and Principle
- Non-Destructive Testing: Types and Applications
- What are X-rays? (Basic Knowledge)
- How to Take Beautiful X-ray CT Images? - X-ray Non-Destructive Inspection series (1) -
- How to View X-ray CT Images - X-ray Non-Destructive Inspection series (2) -
- X-ray Image Processing and Automated Inspection - X-ray Non-Destructive Inspection series (3) -
- Types of X-ray tubes and high-voltage power supplies
- What is the difference between Radioactivity, Radiation, and Radioactive Materials?
- Radiation Effects on the Human body and the safety of X-ray equipment