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  • DOEF series | Bipolar power supply (Low Voltage Amplifiers) | Matsusada Precision
  • DOEF series | Bipolar power supply (Low Voltage Amplifiers) | Matsusada Precision


High-speed response of DC to 200kHz.
Ultimate in accurate sequence operation.
Extremely sophisticated quality to output programmed waveform.

  • Max Voltage: ±20V to ±60V
  • Max Power: 1200W


DOEF series are four-quadrant power supplies possible to source and sink current. They can be applied widely according to usage, from transient response tests to various evaluation tests. That realizes a high-speed response of DC to 200 kHz (at constant voltage mode) and can generate basic waves such as sine waves, rectangular waves, and customized waves by the embedded function generator.

And, as they also provide sequence function as standard, you can program output patterns in detail. Moreover, as This bipolar power supply can make their generation of wave and set sequence memories all with the simplified operation on the front panel, you can make full use of various functions easily.


  • High speed of DC to 200 kHz is realized.
  • Four-quadrant behavior is able to source and sink current.
  • It is possible to generate non-distortional waves such as sine waves and rectangular waves.
  • It is possible to set and operate the highly accurate program of 1024 steps.
  • Individual setting of DC and AC is possible. Superior usability is realized together with simplified operability.
  • 2 mode operations of CV (constant voltage) and CC (constant current) are applicable.
  • It is possible to connect a maximum of 3 power supplies in parallel (synchronized trigger) by coinciding accuracy of frequency (synchronized clock) in synchronized operation.
  • External digital control is available (Option).
  • It is possible to output voltage/current in 16 bits and customize original waveforms of resolution of 1024 in one cycle by using dedicated software.

Operation range

Output range


  • Voltage fluctuation tests for automotive electrical components such as car navigation system
  • Voltage fluctuation tests for automotive battery (Simulation of the waveform of cranking)
  • As constant current power supply for electromagnet
  • Tests of various DC motors
  • The test which applies ripple current to a capacitor
  • Examination to evaluate the characteristic of the magnetic material
  • As high-speed power supply for pulse plating
  • For measuring the loss of a transformer or a reactor
  • The test which applies transient current to a breaker or relay
  • To drive piezoelectric elements
  • Evaluation of Solar inverters (PV inverters)
  • Solar inverter testing

This product is not designed for charge and discharge of battery.
For battery charging and discharging applications, please refer to the Battery Cycle Tester product page.


We can manufacture other specified voltage, current, and frequency bands written as follows.

Model Maximum output Frequency Bandwidth (-3 dB)
Voltage Current Power CV mode CC mode
DOEF20-20 ±20 V ±20 A 400 W DC to 200 kHz DC to 100 kHz
DOEF40-10 ±40 V ±10 A 400 W
DOEF60-10 ±60 V ±10 A 600 W
DOEF60-20 ±60 V ±20 A 1200 W


Basic waveform generation

DOEF is equipped with a built-in function generator that produces basic waveforms such as sine, rectangular, and triangle waves.
The frequency range can be set between 0.01 Hz and 200 kHz. Easy adjustments/editions of amplitude, initial phase (for Sinewave), phase shift (for Sine wave), and duty ratio (for rectangular/triangle wave) are possible. DOEF has special features of "soft start" and "soft stop," which enable initial program rise and fall characteristics of the output.

Starting phase
Starting phase
Soft start
Soft start AC Voltage/Current sweep,frequency sweep
Soft stop
Soft stop DC Voltage/Current ramp


Power activation test, various start-up tests of motor, fluctuation test of the wave shape, etc.

Sequence functions

DOEF is equipped with a built in function generator that produces basic waves such as sine, rectangular and triangle waves. Frequency range can be set between 0.01 Hz and 200 kHz (resolution of 0.01 Hz). Easy adjustments/edition of amplitude, initial phase (for sine wave), phase shift (for sine wave), and duty ratio (for rectangular/triangle wave) are possible. DOEF has special feature of “soft start” and “soft stop” which enable to program initial rise and fall characteristics of the output.

Very complex sequence can be created easily with the easily understandable display.

Sequence programming function
Sequence programming function
  • Step setting time 0.1 ms to 1000 h (resolution of 0.1 ms)
  • Maximum 1024 steps per program.
  • Maximum 64 programs can be stored in memory for each CC/CV operation
  • Program repeat can be set by "endless repeat" or "1 time to 10000 times"
  • Multiple programs can be converted to activate
Image of Programs
Image of Programs

Sequence programming functions help to create complicated waves like the below to be simply and easily edited.

Pulse current variation Pulse current variation
Ripple current superpose Ripple current superpose
AC voltage variation AC voltage variation
DC voltage interruption DC voltage interruption

Measurement Function

DOEF is equipped with a measurement function that can measure DC value, AC RMS value, and Max/Min value, likewise, it is possible to automatically measure wide range bandwidth from DC to 120 kHz. There are 4 parameters that are simultaneously displayable, and each of these parameters is individually programmable. As this measurement is a standard feature, no option needs to be purchased. This sophisticated feature will reduce the time for editing output waves and bring up work efficiency.

Ex.) Measurement of AC waveform
Measurement Function 1
Ex.) Measurement of DC + AC waveform
Measurement Function 2

Synchronized operation (-LSo option)

The following DOEF operations are available for up to three units.

Synchronous trigger

Through a single operation of the master unit, it is possible to match the output timing of ON/OFF in one or two slave units. In turning the output on, the output starting gap between the master and the slave is less than 0.5 µs
* When this option is selected, we provide two meters of dedicated cables for the synchronized trigger function used for two or three devices.

Synchronous clock

By providing the clock input of 10 MHz, the individual difference between the oscillators installed on each unit is removed (In the case of this, there are a few ppm up to several tens ppm in general).
What is more, frequency accuracy and sequence-step time are completely unified through the operation.

Moreover, the product is also available for setting the phase shift difference for the sine wave toward each unit.
(* Please prepare the coaxial cable on both ends of BNC connectors which is not included but required for synchronous clock

* When the slave unit is required to synchronize in accordance with the waveform set by the master unit, the -LMs option must be taken (in master/slave control). Meanwhile, selecting the -LSo option and -LMs option simultaneously is not allowed.

Other functions:

Protection function (shutdown or limit settable individually), Key lock function, Switching CV/CC, and Memory function (up to 99) are installed as standard.


  1. Display: Display various settings and measurements.
  2. OUTPUT switch: ON/OFF for output
  3. Rotary encoder: Change value
  4. POWER switch: ON/OFF for main power
  5. CANCEL switch: Cancel settings
  6. ENTER switch: To confirm and key in
  7. CV/CC switch: Switch over CV/CC mode
  8. DC/AC-DC switch: Switch DC/AC+DC mode
  9. SETTING/STORAGE switch: Make to setting change menu, store memory
  10. PROTECTION switch: To switch protection setting menu
  11. Shift down switch: Shift down each setting items
  12. Shift up switch: Shift up each setting items
  13. SEQUENCE switch: Use for switchover of sequence screen or interrupt or restart of sequence operation
  14. Shifting left/MEMORY switch: Shift digits of settings to the left and also use switchover memory screens.
  15. Shifting right/LOCK switch: Shift digits of settings to the right and also use the key lock function


For details, download the datasheet below.


-LCk *

CC-Link interface port
It enables digital remote control via a network of CC-Link. We may accept optimization for specific industrial networks such as Device NET.
Please inquire our sales staff for details.

-LGob *

Optical interface port
With optical communication, isolation control is performed. As complete isolation is performed by means of optical fiber, this enables advance prevention of erroneous operation involved with transient phenomenon caused by surges, inductive lightning, external noise, etc.

  • -LGob:Optical interface port + optical cable 2 meters
  • -LGob(Fc5):Optical interface port + optical cable 5 meters
  • -LGob(Fc10):Optical interface port + optical cable 5 meters
  • -LGob(Fc20):Optical interface port + optical cable 5 meters
  • -LGob(Fc40):Optical interface port + optical cable 5 meters

Select the optional optical interface port (-LGob) when using this DC power supply under the following conditions.

  • Noisy environments such as factories (example: when motors or coils are used near loads or power sources).
  • If this power supply and your controller (PC or PLC) cannot be installed within 2 meters.
  • When there is a possibility of arcing or output short-circuit.

[Control items] Output ON/OFF, Voltage/Current setting (AC and DC), Switch of constant voltage/constant current, Frequency setting, Waveform setting (sine wave, square wave, and triangle wave), Phase setting (sine wave), Duty setting (square wave and triangle wave)

When using an optical interface port, a separate adapter is required.

-LMsm: Master machine for master-slave control
-LMss: Slave machine for master-slave control

By connecting a master machine and a slave machine with dedicated control lines, the master machine can control all slave machines at once. Parallel connection can increase the current that is insufficient for a single operation. Up to three units in total can be connected: one master unit and up to two slave units.

Note: Precautions for using the master-slave operation

  • Only master-slave connection is available for the same model.
  • In parallel operation, the frequency range is narrower.
  • It can also operate on a single.
  • Factory adjustment is required when changing the master-slave combination.
  • It is impossible for this to select the "-LSo" option simultaneously.Either communication option (-LGob, -LCk, or -LUs1) is necessary for a master unit when the power supplies in the master-slave connection are controlled by digital communication. Slave units also require these options for their individual operation. (-LGob, -LCk or -LUs1)

Synchronized operation
Maximum 3 units can be operated in parallel.
Accuracy of output frequency and sequence time coincide by synchronizing with multi-units and it is possible to output the same wave altogether. Only in the case of a sine wave, it can output with phase difference given.
One dedicated cable (length: 2 meters) for the synchronized trigger is attached, except a cable used for the synchronized clock function.
(It is impossible for this to select -LMsm, -LMss option simultaneously.)

-LUs1 *

USB interface port
Enable digital control with USB. One power supply can be connected per one USB port which the computer equipped.
In case the USB port which the computer equipped is not enough, please use a USB hub. However, depending on the USB hub, it may not work correctly.
OS: Microsoft Windows XP/Vista/7/8/10 (Both 32-bit version and 64-bit version are available.)

Microsoft Windows is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries


Shifting function for output voltage
Optional 120 Vp-p within the range of -115V to +115 V (only for DOEF60-10 and DOEF60-20).

* These options cannot be selected together. Only one of each can be selected.

How to Order

When ordering, add option No. in the following order by alphabet to Model No.
<Example> DOEF40-10-LMsmUs1, DOEF60-10-LGob(Fc5)SoVs


Optical isolation adapter

To use the optical interface, you need to prepare an optical interface adapter separately. The following interface adapters are available according to your controller port.

  • CO-E32: LAN to optical interface adapter
  • USB-OPT: USB to optical interface adapter
  • CO-OPT2-9: RS-232C (9 pin) to optical interface adapter
  • CO-OPT2-25: RS-232C (25 pin) to optical interface adapter
  • CO-OPT4-25: RS-485 (25 pin) to optical interface adapter
  • CO-G32: GPIB to optical interface adapter (Discontinued in December 2028)
Example of communication with optical fiber
Example of communication with optical fiber | DOEF series | Bipolar power supply (Low Voltage Amplifiers) | Matsusada Precision

For details, refer to CO/USB series

AC input cable
400 W model
CABLE TYPE8 CABLE series | AC input cable | Matsusada Precision CABLE series | AC input cable | Matsusada Precision 125 V/125 A 2.5 meters
Fixed length
more than 600 W model
CABLE TYPE5 CABLE series | AC input cable | Matsusada Precision CABLE series | AC input cable | Matsusada Precision 300 V/25 A 2.5 meters
Sold separately
400 W model
CABLE TYPE3 CABLE series | AC input cable | Matsusada Precision CABLE series | AC input cable | Matsusada Precision 250 V/10 A 2.5 meters
Fixed length
Sold separately
400 W model
CABLE TYPE4 CABLE series | AC input cable | Matsusada Precision CABLE series | AC input cable | Matsusada Precision 250 V/10 A 2.5 meters
Fixed length
Application software for power supplies and electronic loads

PSS2en series
PSS2en is the dedicated software which can actuate various power supplies, electronic loads and digital controller for power supplies manufactured by Matsusada Precision Inc. with simple set up.
It is the perfect for the aging test, the burn-in test and the withstand voltage test for electronic parts, and for the endurance test, intermittent/continuous operation test or various simulation test for electric component of automobile.
For details, refer to PSS2en page.

PSS2en | Application software for power supplies and electronic loads | Matsusada Precision


For details, download the datasheet below.

Tech Notes

As for characteristics of amplifiers

Rise time

(step time) : responsiveness may be expressed with rise time. (see right figure)
Rise time for amplifiers in fc (Hz) of response time (=frequency band) is calculated with the following equation generally.
"tr ≈ 0.35/fc"
Decay time tf is equal to tr.
Frequency bandwidth
: at 30 kHz or lower, tr ≈ tf = around 12 μs
: at 20 kHz or lower, tr ≈ tf = around 18 μs

Rise time

Response speed

When an accurate output wave is required, please select an amplifier in a sufficiently higher frequency band than the applied one. Generally, speedy frequency bands as 3 times to 5 times of applied frequency for the sine wave and 10 times for rectangular waves are required. If the frequency band is in lacking, as not only output oscillation is reduced but also the phase difference of input and output become larger, consideration to apply it monitoring output wave is required.

Response speed

For Capacitive Loads

In the case of capacitive load, oscillation may be caused. If so, please insert a power resistance to the output in series.
And, in capacitive load, please attend that the frequency band is limited by the resistance and capacity inserted in series.

For Inductive Loads

At CC mode, oscillation may be caused by the inductance of inductive loads.
If so, please connect the C-R straight circuit between output terminals so as not to cause oscillation.
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